Verba yang menggunakan gerund biasanya menggambarkan tindakan atau keadaan yang sedang berlangsung, kebiasaan, atau yang berkaitan dengan perasaan dan preferensi. Verba ini diikuti oleh bentuk gerund dari verba lain (misalnya, enjoy reading, avoid doing). Berikut adalah daftar verba umum yang diikuti oleh gerund: 1. Verbs Expressing Likes/Dislikes Like: She likes swimming in the ocean. Love: He loves cooking for his family. Enjoy: They enjoy exploring new places. Hate: I hate waking up early. Prefer: He prefers reading to watching TV. 2. Verbs of Suggestion/Recommendation Suggest: The teacher suggested studying more often. Recommend: I recommend trying this exercise. Advocate: She advocates using active learning techniques. 3. Verbs of Practice or Continuation Practice: They practice singing every day. Keep: She keeps improving her skills. Continue: We continue working on the project. 4. Verbs of Avoidance Avoid: He avoids eating junk food. ...
Hello, everyone. This page will show you how much you have achieved from your first quarter and first half-semester. Each class will have different average scores and passing grades. Please contact your lecturer if you find any mistakes in the data below. Thank you Halo, semuanya. Halaman ini menunjukkan nilai kuis dan UTS dimana kalian dapat melihat sejauh mana level pemahaman materi tiap individu selama seperempat dan paruh semester. Setiap kelas akan memilki KKM yang berbeda. Silahkan hubungi dosen Anda apabila ada kesalah/ingin konfirmasi nilai - nama atau NIM dengan cara tangkap layar data ini. Terima kasih PMI 01 STUDENTS’ RECORDS No Name Student Number Quiz Score Midterm Test Score 1 Amalia Azzah Faiqoh 211103020022 52/100 57 / 100 2 Amira 211103020011 68/100 64 / 100 3 Azizatus Sholihah 211103020020 ...